Saturday 2 April 2016

Technology and Science

The influence of technology and science on our lives.

Before we go any further, we need to understand these terms;


 The use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problems.(source)
The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.(source)
As said above it's like technology is something developed to make hard work easy for example in industries. Machines are used to manufacture products and do it at a faster rate while employing people incurres more costs hence making work easy.

As you see in the above image, technology makes you feel like the world is in your hand because one can call someone far away from him or her and also make businesses faster.


My primary knowledge about science that it is the study for living things and non-living things.
Science is the study is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.(source)
In other wards science involves knowledge, thinking, understanding and research something.


 Reflexivity is the process of examining both oneself as researcher, and the research relationship. In short terms, it is self-searching. Self-searching involves examining one's "conceptual baggage," one's assumptions and preconceptions, and how these affect research decisions, particularly, the selection and wording of questions.(source)This means reflexivity is more about knowing about yourself and asking questions about something in how meanings are produced.


Technicism is an important concept that has much to do with technology, and is a particular way of viewing, approaching, and understanding the technology-driven and technology-centered society and world that we live in today. (source)
This simply means that technicism is a way of connecting to the world that is driven by the forces in the change in society.For example humans are able to control everything by use of technologies. A good example is phones. Today people order food through food apps which caters for their needs among others. 

If you look at the picture above, you can see that people these days do not climb up stairs of tall buildings. The use of elevators has provided simplicity and made it easy for people to travel fast in tall buildings instead of climbing stairs.

Influence of technology and science on a day in my life.

Technology and science work hand in hand and have great influence in my everyday life.
Right now am using mac computer to type this assignment. This has made work easier for me because if you compare the ancient generations, they had to do this by hand for example writing down their discoveries by hand on paper which is not the case today.
Secondly, it is like I spent 70% using my phone because it provides me with most my needs for example, communicating with my relatives in Uganda from South Africa, I also do not need to buy board games, I just download them. I use it to book food at a tuck shop around my school which saves time of me moving their, in other wards I just go there to pay and pick it up. I use it to do my school research, take pictures among others. 
It's like without my phone, my life is incomplete.
When am hungry, get my chips and use a micro wave to get them ready hence making my life easy. 
I do not need to walk back home, I use a plane that takes me only 3hours to get there. Thanks to technology and science that there is at least medicine to take when we are sick because we would have died and this has improved the quality of my life.

Drawings of products that I used which rely on technology.




Reflection on how these objects describe my daily experience

First I love music because it moves my moves my life. I say this because when am stressed I listen to it and it happens that I calm down quickly and I listen to it for entertainment so that I loosen up.for example I end up dancing for fun. In other wards, I always have speaker/headphones/earphones on me just for music.
Secondly am a graphic designer, I use a laptop/computer 50% of the day just to create designs on the adobe suite and also do research for assignments like history among others.
So to me this a necessity.
We are all human beings and always need to communicate just express our feelings.So I always have a phone on me just to communicate to my relatives at home, friends, lecturers through whats app and email. This makes life simpler that I do not always need to reach them in person and also saves time. I also have a power bank just in case my battery goes low.
A micro wave has made my life simpler in way that I buy food and can use it to cook faster with without watching it.

Micro wave-  I love eating so a micro wave cooks and warms food faster.
Phone-  I love communicating, so a phone makes me communicate to many people in a day.
Power bank-  This helps me to charge my phone incase the battery goes down.
Laptop-  Am a graphic designer, so a laptop is essential to me in way that I practice my creativity using the adobe programmes.
Head phones- These explain the love for music I have.Thats where my passion falls.
Video game pads- Work with play makes me a dull boy. I play games to loosen up and freshen up my mind.

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