Friday 15 April 2016

Different types of graphic media and development of new genres from 1850s to the present.

Different types of graphic media and development of new genres from 1850s to the present.

Wood engravings.

Illustration of Moss's photographic department, from Scientific American, 1877

John Macdonald, wood engraving,"Freedmen on the Canal Bank at Richmond."1865

     This is a large wood engraving on an 1883 cover of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper.(source)

In the 18th century, Thomas Bewick first used it to produce high-quality yet inexpensive images by incising an image into the end-grain of a hard piece of wood. Then publishers used it to illustrate books which were afforded by everyone.(source)

As seen in the images above, Wooden engraving is the style people in this period used. 
This is a print made from a finely detailed design cut into the end grain of a block of wood.(source)
In this period, wooden engraving became effective in use of images in editorial and advertising communications for example in magazines, newspapers among others like the image above.

Modern Technique

Lou Barlow(1908-1992)                              Leon Gilmour (1907-1996)

Today as seen above, it is done by contemporary artists who still venture in it. From research(source), such images cost up $600 meaning that are expensive to have and because these artists are difficult to get.


Matthew Brady, "Drunker Church and the dead,"1862

   A series of photographs taken by Anglo-American photographer Eadweard Muybridge(1830-1904)

Open Hand Boxing, by Eadweard Muybridge. 1887

Documentary became important in a way that it brought impact to people of that age for example the first image. It showed the effects of war which later reduced on the rate of wars in America.
Then later came the moving images that recorded the motion which had a significant collective image upon graphic design.
Documentary began with Nanook of the North, that was made by Robert Flatherty in 1922.
The word 'Documentary' was invented by John Grierson to describe this film.

Modern technique

Today as seen above, there are cameras used to document people, things around us and vary in different types.


Lithograph issued from Bufford's Print Publishing House, Boston, 1864

JOHN HENRY BUFFORD (American, 1810-1870) A Day on the River Color lithograph, circa 1850 Image

Prang's fine art book in 1890s

 Steam threshing machinery poster(source),1870s

Chromolithography is a method for making multi-colour prints.(source)
Compared to all the images above, these images have got that a good range of colour. So a good range of colours was achieved the use of chromolithography. And a good look at the pictures shows that effect of realism especially the first one. 
When you look at the last two images, you see that the typography used then was astonishing and neatly aligned with different designs.

Modern technique

Today CYMK(Cyan,Yellow,Magenta and key which is black) are used to print full colour on documents as seen in the images below.


In 1854 James Cutting, an American, Creation of an image on glass. (source)

Carte de Visite : 1859 - aka CDV





Photography The process or art of producing images of objects on sensitiSed surfaces by the chemical action 
of light or of other forms of radiant energy, as x-rays, gamma rays, or cosmic rays.(source)

Following up the history of photography, photos were once printed on glass and the process was known as ambrotype. (an early type of photograph, made by placing a glass negative against a dark 
background). for example the first image. 
Then came the Carte de Visite (CDV) which looked clear and affordable to everyone. these were printed on cards which made them easy for people to look after. (second image)
As of present, we have got cameras that capture motion for example in the third image where the dog is captured in air with a man trying to take his scarf away from it. 
In the fourth image, we have got a lady taking a selfie. This is a type of picture taken by oneself using a smartphone. It is the trend today to take selfies especially women on social media.

In conclusion, today most people do not need camera men to take pictures and print them out because they have it on their phones and its fast, easy and also can be printed out at anyone's wish.


One had to be very important to have a portrait of himself/herself  for example kings, queens among others.
But as time went on,people started painting by themselves.

                                            Self portrait Vincent Van Gogh 1887

                                                 Portrait of Mrs. Collman(1865)

Looking at the above images, you can tell that the artists of that era painted them and tried to achieve reality from the look of their texture and variation in the tonal values and details applied.

Modern Technique

Today artists have achieved reality through different techniques so as to be unique and appear different from others.

So, many different styles are used for example the image above shows how the artist used scribbling method to come with Will Smith's portrait and achieved the tonal values properly.


The image above shows you how far typography has been used in the modern world to an extent of using it to create portraits and also communicating messages across.For example Obamas portrait  shows global warming on his collar which means he has to do something about it.


Stylisation is the use of images by widening or elongating some parts of an object as seen in the above three images above. So today artists have done this to make images look funny to the viewers just to call for their attention because they are unique and are tired of seeing real pictures. 


Some have illustrated these images using vectors technique to acquire that uniqueness and have that 3D look.


Today people have made portraits of themselves in animated forms that are stylised and still have the same features of the original person as seen above.

The images below show you that today animators have managed to make realistic animated portraits that one can confuse them for being real because of the details applied on them and texture.


This is a style that is the latest especially in dress codes, behaviours, hair styles among others.

Above is the timeline of the western fashioN.  
So below I started with the 1870s fashion trend and I will be analysing the women's fashion trend.

Worth gown in synthetic violet 1870s (source)

At this era, dresses were made floral and a woman had to put on corsets to have a small waist and looked beautiful in them.The dresses were made long with reaching the toes.

The fashion trend changed in 1920s(source) and the image above shows women dressed in loose fitting clothes and had no corsets that I believe made them uncomfortable because they were tight. The dresses even became shorter that they were below the knees.

1970s fashion trend(source)

In the 1970s, started putting on mini skirts and dresses, bell bottom pants and sleeveless blouses that showed part of their body parts compared to the previous years as mentioned before. The blouses were also tight on top and the pants were loose as seen in the images above.

Modern technique.

Today most  women put on clothes that are tight to show their body shape because it is the trend.

Today some fashion trends have that crazy look and feel. This simply shows that fashion designers are taking that extra step to create new fashion designs that will look astonishing to the viewers.

Observing the image above,the fashion used is a mixture of the 19th century and the today which implies that history repeats its self.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Technology and Science

The influence of technology and science on our lives.

Before we go any further, we need to understand these terms;


 The use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problems.(source)
The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.(source)
As said above it's like technology is something developed to make hard work easy for example in industries. Machines are used to manufacture products and do it at a faster rate while employing people incurres more costs hence making work easy.

As you see in the above image, technology makes you feel like the world is in your hand because one can call someone far away from him or her and also make businesses faster.


My primary knowledge about science that it is the study for living things and non-living things.
Science is the study is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.(source)
In other wards science involves knowledge, thinking, understanding and research something.


 Reflexivity is the process of examining both oneself as researcher, and the research relationship. In short terms, it is self-searching. Self-searching involves examining one's "conceptual baggage," one's assumptions and preconceptions, and how these affect research decisions, particularly, the selection and wording of questions.(source)This means reflexivity is more about knowing about yourself and asking questions about something in how meanings are produced.


Technicism is an important concept that has much to do with technology, and is a particular way of viewing, approaching, and understanding the technology-driven and technology-centered society and world that we live in today. (source)
This simply means that technicism is a way of connecting to the world that is driven by the forces in the change in society.For example humans are able to control everything by use of technologies. A good example is phones. Today people order food through food apps which caters for their needs among others. 

If you look at the picture above, you can see that people these days do not climb up stairs of tall buildings. The use of elevators has provided simplicity and made it easy for people to travel fast in tall buildings instead of climbing stairs.

Influence of technology and science on a day in my life.

Technology and science work hand in hand and have great influence in my everyday life.
Right now am using mac computer to type this assignment. This has made work easier for me because if you compare the ancient generations, they had to do this by hand for example writing down their discoveries by hand on paper which is not the case today.
Secondly, it is like I spent 70% using my phone because it provides me with most my needs for example, communicating with my relatives in Uganda from South Africa, I also do not need to buy board games, I just download them. I use it to book food at a tuck shop around my school which saves time of me moving their, in other wards I just go there to pay and pick it up. I use it to do my school research, take pictures among others. 
It's like without my phone, my life is incomplete.
When am hungry, get my chips and use a micro wave to get them ready hence making my life easy. 
I do not need to walk back home, I use a plane that takes me only 3hours to get there. Thanks to technology and science that there is at least medicine to take when we are sick because we would have died and this has improved the quality of my life.

Drawings of products that I used which rely on technology.




Reflection on how these objects describe my daily experience

First I love music because it moves my moves my life. I say this because when am stressed I listen to it and it happens that I calm down quickly and I listen to it for entertainment so that I loosen up.for example I end up dancing for fun. In other wards, I always have speaker/headphones/earphones on me just for music.
Secondly am a graphic designer, I use a laptop/computer 50% of the day just to create designs on the adobe suite and also do research for assignments like history among others.
So to me this a necessity.
We are all human beings and always need to communicate just express our feelings.So I always have a phone on me just to communicate to my relatives at home, friends, lecturers through whats app and email. This makes life simpler that I do not always need to reach them in person and also saves time. I also have a power bank just in case my battery goes low.
A micro wave has made my life simpler in way that I buy food and can use it to cook faster with without watching it.

Micro wave-  I love eating so a micro wave cooks and warms food faster.
Phone-  I love communicating, so a phone makes me communicate to many people in a day.
Power bank-  This helps me to charge my phone incase the battery goes down.
Laptop-  Am a graphic designer, so a laptop is essential to me in way that I practice my creativity using the adobe programmes.
Head phones- These explain the love for music I have.Thats where my passion falls.
Video game pads- Work with play makes me a dull boy. I play games to loosen up and freshen up my mind.