Sunday 15 May 2016


Japanese influence of Western design.

What is Japonisme?

This is a French word used in 18th century that meant the influence of Japanese art, fashion and aesthetics on Western culture. In other wards, it is the influence of Japanese influence on European art.(source)

In the mid-1800s, the Japanese started trade with Europe. So this led to many Japanese imports that were sent there and these were woodcut prints especially. A shop by the names of "The Chinese Gate" opened in Paris and it sold Japanese prints that were made from Japanese woodblocks. These blocks appealed greatly in the 19th century and made many French artists and collectors to go Japan. This caused many French magazines and newspapers to write about Japanese prints from the Edo era. This caused many painters to include Japanese prints in their work.(source)

To what extent does Japanese design continue to influence contemporary Western design in the form of anime, manga, otaku, and kawaii culture.


Anime is a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children.(source)
In other wards, it is a Japanese animation.


Collection of some of anime characters.

Collection of come of the anime characters.

Ikki the anime cartoon.

Japanese design of anime has influenced the contemporary western design to a large extent. 

These days, Anime is a common way to tell stories in an animated form. Anime was successful in other countries when series like Astro boy, Slam Dunk and Dragonball aired onto televisions. This has caused some westerners to gain interest in Japanese culture and anime also learning the language.

Astro boy

Slam dunk

Dragonball anime

Cosplay is means "Costume play"; this when fans dress up like their favourite characters from anime series. This has also caused the western culture to also dress up like their favourite characters from comic books and cartoon series like Spiderman, Batman and many more.

Women dressed up in their favourite anime characters.

Fans dressed up in their favourite characters' attire.

The style makes anime generally unique is that most of their characters have big eyes and unique hairstyles which has influenced western world using the same style for example "Avatar: The Last Airbender" as seen below.

Japanese anime has also influenced some people to reach an extent of going for facial surgeries just to look like anime characters. For example Anastasiya Shpagina, 19, from Ukraine turned her love for Japanese anime into real life character as seen below.


A style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at adults as well as children (source)
These are books with drawings and speech bubbles illustrating a story.

Japanese design of manga has influenced the contemporary western design to a large extent. 

Manga books have appeared in translation in many languages in different countries which has given them a big boost to influence their culture and style in the western culture. In 2011, 40% comic books published in France, 70% sold in Germany.(source)
Today these have influenced many American comic books for example Teen Titans whereby the characters  design suddenly transforms into the chibi state for a comedic effect.(source) 



You can see the third frame of the first image and the first frame of the second image the use of chibi state for comedic effects.

Manga has also influenced the western culture on the use of big cute eyes for example in the image below.

Today you find that many comic books around the world use this style for making the eyes big and cute as seen below.

As seen above, you can see that the eyes of these cartoons are big which have been influenced by the Japanese style.

Otaku is a Japanese word that defines a person who is obsessively interested in anime, cosplay, manga collectibles and so many more.(source)

The above image shows you the different types of Otaku in their different categories.

Two major studies were made by the Nomura Research Institute (NRI) and the 2005 study defined twelve fields that were major in otaku interests. 

The results were:
Manga otaku         - 350,000 individuals and ¥83 billion market scale.
Idol otaku              - 280,000 individuals and ¥61 billion.
Travel otaku          - 250,000 individuals and ¥81 billion.
PC otaku               - 190,000 individuals and ¥36 billion. 
Video game otaku - 160,000 individuals and ¥21 billion.
Automobile otaku  - 140,000 individuals and ¥54 billion.
Anime otaku          - 110,000 individuals and ¥20 billion.
And so many more. (source)

So otaku is like a connotation word for obsessed anime fans beyond Japan who have gained interest in Japanese designs.(source) 

Examples of otaku

                  Manga otaku

Game otaku

Cosplay otaku

These have influenced many western culture in a way that people are seen dressed in like Japenese manga characters, some have even reached an extent of learning the Japenese language through playing video games and watching anime.

(In the context of Japanese popular culture) cute.(source)
Kawaii is an international culture which has a cross cultural appeal because it is connected to universal images of children and baby animals.(source)
So kawaii is a Japanese popular culture on the way they dress, look, behave and so much more. 

"Kawaii products are seemingly gaining more popularity beyond the borders of Japan into other Asian markets, and it's seemingly becoming more popular in the US, especially among the young anime and manga fans as well as among those who are influenced by Japanese culture. Cute merchandise and products are especially popular in some other parts of East Asia, such as ChinaHong Kong, South Korea,Taiwan, and Southeast Asian countries." (source)
This has been witnessed in american cartoons, drawings, toys and many more as seen below.

The Despicable me minions are cute and been influenced by kawaii culture.

Illustration drawing by an American illustrator Robert De Jesus.
This image shows the influence of Japanese kawaii culture whereby the illustrated figure does not resemble the real image but there is an additon cuteness in it.


As you have witnessed, Japanese culture has had a big influence on the western world up to today because they have managed to promote it through different ways and it has been a success.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

The collapse of space time continuum

Historical examples of images, representations and other references.



The litter

This was a wheel less vehicle where by humans would carry and lift it to their desired destination as seen above. It was used in the 18th century.



This was a wheeled vehicle driven by horses with a driver controlling it. They used to transport both people and goods. This type existed in the 19th century.


These were boats made from trees used especially native Americans thousands of years back.



This was wheeled vehicle that drove on rails by peddling it using hands.  

Electric car

This was a four-wheeled vehicle that used that was powered by an engine. 

Pulled rickshaw


This was a type of transport powered by humans whereby they could pull a two-wheeled cart as they ran to their final destination. These were used in Japan in the 18th century.


 This is a timeline of bicycles in the 18th century.


Sign language

Early men used sign language to communicate amongst themselves.

Smoke signals



Carrier pigeon

Morse code










Transport & Communication Introduction

In today’s world, the transport and communication sectors have evolved greatly. What historical cultures used to treasure as their transport and communication sectors has either been improved while some have been invented in the contemporary cultures. One may say that this is due to that the historical and contemporary cultures have totally different lifestyles. What could work better in communication and transport in the past might not be regarded as that successful today. 


In today’s world, the transport sector continues to develop and improve. People are living a fast life which requires everything around them to be also moving in a fast pace in order to accommodate their lifestyles. We look into transports such as cars, airplanes, trains, motorbikes, ships, and tractors. All these are what we see mostly in today’s transport sectors.


The same transformation in transport applies to the communication sectors. Today people look forward to getting things done right there and then.  Taking a look at things like cellphones  and tablets which have taken over the communication world. People today prefer to be communicating voice to voice, hearing the mood of another person, which in a way makes one feel as though they are with that person live. Computers and Laptops are ruling today’s world of communication as well. People are now able to communicate with those who are far away and near within a nick of time via emails through these forms of communication. People are able to even skype, exchange and share pictures, videos, as well information. Life has even been made better because one can now also do what they could only do with the computers and laptops on smartphones. One may send and receive not only messages but also emails. Apps like whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, etc have been introduced through these smartphones, and life indeed has never been better than this.

History of Transportation.


500 years ago this system of using rails included man or horsepower and rails of wood and stone. The first modern rail system appeared in England in the 1920s. These systems made use of steam locomotive, and they were the first land mechanical zed transport.


The birth of cars. In 1885 the first car was seen on the street. Although earlier steam power vehicles were successful. The first steam power vehicle was designed by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot and constructed by M. Brezin in 1769. Two years later he designed another steam power vehicle that was much faster than the one before. 


Airplanes were first used as carriers of freight. It was first for exporting and importing goods in and out different countries. 


In 1812 boats were meant to serve the ports, rivers, bays, piers and even beaches in the largely unimproved  Great lakes from the war. In the 19th century the sailing crow  was well on its way towards obsolescence. The first scows were barges of wood and later on steel.

Figure 1 Wrights Brother's Flyer
Figure 2 Montgolfier Hot Air Balloons
Figure 3 Nicolas Joseph Cugnot's steam powered car

3500 BC Fixed wheels on carts are invented - the first wheeled vehicles in history. Other early wheeled vehicles include the chariot.
3500 BC River boats are invented - ships with oars
2000 BC Horses are domesticated and used for transportation.
181-234 The wheelbarrow is invented.
770 Iron horseshoes improve transportation by horse
1492 Leonardo da Vinci first to seriously theorised about flying machines - with over 100 drawings that illustrated his theories on flight
1620 Cornelis Drebbel invented the first submarine - an human oared submersible
1662 Blaise Pascal invents the first public bus - horse-drawn, regular route, schedule, and fare system
1740 Jacques de Vaucanson demonstrates his clockwork powered carriage
1783 First practical steamboat demonstrated by Marquis Claude Francois de Jouffroy d'Abbans - a paddle wheel steamboat

Transport and Communication

Testimonies of contemporary times


So my task is to track back and find out the status of these two things and the roles they played with the community.

Asking what roles cars played in contemporary times

So tracking back and asking what major roles did cars play in the past finding out more about vehicles and transportation.

What were cars used for?

In the early 17th and 18th centuries vehicles such as the steam powered vehicle were used to transport material from one place to another, the first steam-powered vehicle was actually built for a Chinese emperor as a toy as it could not carry a person but was considered the first functional steam powered engine.

Vehicles that were large enough ton transport people and cargo were invented in the late 18th century.
As forms of transportation started growing and getting bigger transportation started splitting into categories, transportation for cargo and large quantities of objects and things as well as transportation for people as well status quo for the rich people.
In the past cars where seen as status as the more expensive your car was the more higher you were seen amongst the rest this later followed onward into the future.

During the war, vehicles were used to transport solders to vantage points and were used as heavy weapon machinery against the opposition.

These vehicles greatly changed outcomes of battles or rather had a major impact in the wars.

What role did phones play

Telecommunications and cellular communications had their own part in society which greatly influenced the growth of the community and the world as a whole, The invention of the telephone was a collaboration of many individuals breaking the laws of physic and trying to test the boundaries and limits of the world, experiments done by Antonio Meucci, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson had finally proven a lead in creating the telephone in the late 19th century. 

The invention of the telephone proved to be a big influence in the communication side of life as it became easier to relay a message from one place to another, this greatly improved the proof of living as people could now communication from far distances and reply with in minutes or seconds. Not only that but the advancements of telephones becoming cellphones and becoming more portable contributed to the status quo, as having a fancy and expensive phone showed to others your position in the wealth table.

This also contributed in wars as this made generals relaying commands and instructions to the front line to be more efficient and easier.

Questions about what others think about the roles of cars and cellphones in the society



These developments and improvements of these technologies and forms of transportation have greatly improved our lives for better or for worse but they have made life easier and more efficient and accessibility to information and transportation.

Thank you to all those who participated in creating this blog

Mzwakhe Booi MGI 2014-3528
Happiness Masiya MGI 2015-4218
Emmanuel Nusubuga MGI 2015-0455
Takalani Mathivhulula MGI 2015-1556